Welcome to Shenzhen WanguoYoulian International Logistics Co., Ltd
How long after the orders can be shipped?Current location :Home > How long after the orders can be shipped?
Customers typically single morning afternoon delivery, under a single afternoon the next day customers are generally shipped out the individual circumstances will SMS or phone call.
About Us
Company Profile
Comany Culture
Universal Union Global Special Line Registration (Biao Kuai)
Universal Union Global Special Line Registration (Standard Express&Common Goods)
Universal Union global special line registration (preferential charging)
Universal Union Global Direct Mail (Standard Express)
Universal Union Global Special Line Surface Mail (Standard Express&General Cargo)
Universal Union Global Private Line Surface Mail (Preferential Live)
Contact us
  • E-mail: gmd01@wanguoyoulian.com
  • Address: 401, Building 36, Cuigang Industrial Zone 5, Huaide Community, Fuyong Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

  • Hot line: 0755-27080769
